CLUG mailing lists

We host several mailing lists, run by mailman.

Web interface

Disabled until further notice.

Subscribing via email

Send a message with the word subscribe in it to the address * where * is the name of the list. For example use the mailbox clug-announce-request if you wish to subscribe to clug-announce. You will receive a confirmation reply.


The announce list is used to announce CLUG meetings and general events. Members may post to the CLUG-announce list, but it is subject to moderator approval.

This list is a very low traffic list, with currently no more than 1-2 e-mails per month.

If you subscribe to any other CLUG lists or follow any CLUG events, we recommend that you subscribe to CLUG-announce too.


This list is used by users to ask Open Source technical questions and share solutions. Please do not post off-topic subjects to this list.

This list can see reasonable traffic, with as much as 20 messages per day in 2007, though currently in 2020 it is pretty quiet.


CLUG-chat is the CLUG discussions list. Its meant for discussions on open-source software and Linux related topics, generally CLUG-relevent topics but not within the charter of CLUG-tech.


CLUG-work is for Open Source-related employment. You may post requests for support, contracts and job adverts. The list is a service to the community, so please no posts by recruitement agents. A good indication of what remuneration is on offer is likely to receive more responses.


CLUG-noise is a mailing list that exists purely for socialising and content that would be inappropriate for other lists.

Messages that would not be accepted on other clug lists are welcome here.